

You are viewing the RapidMiner Go documentation for version 9.5 - Check here for latest version

RapidMiner Routing

RapidMiner Routing is an NGINX reverse proxy that provides routing and load balancing for the different services.


Configured routes are:

  • /am - routed to AM nodes
  • /rmid - routed to RMID nodes
  • /events - routed to EventTracking node

Load balancing

The default config in docker-compose-services.yml specifies 1 node for each service. However the routing service's NGINX config provides the possibility to specify 2 AM nodes, 2 RMID nodes and 1 EventTracking node.

Default configuration

Environment variable name Default services
AM_HOST_PORT_1 rapidminer-automodeler:8080
RMID_HOST_PORT_1 rapidminer-automodel-rmid:8080
EVENT_HOST_PORT rapidminer-ui-event-tracking:8080

To add optional second nodes for AM and RMID, define the services in docker-compose-services.yml and then set up routing like this:

Environment variable name Optional second nodes
AM_HOST_PORT_2 rapidminer-automodeler-2:8080
RMID_HOST_PORT_2 rapidminer-automodel-rmid-2:8080