

What's New in Altair AI Hub 2024.1.0?

Released: 5th September 2024

Version 2024.1 is compatible with version 10 and 2024.0.

If you’re still on version 9, then upgrading to 2024.1 is a major version upgrade. Please make sure to read the upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 2024.1.0:

AI Hub Server


  • Switched transactions without any entity changes to readOnly
  • Removed deprecated /archive and /resources repository endpoints
  • Improve transposing ALM related environment variables
  • Added japanese, korean and chinese localizations
  • Aligned frontend minimum size for all modals
  • Switched frontend permission management to use two-way transfer component instead of delete button
  • Aligned layout of Project create modal to support lower resolutions
  • Updated OIDC implementation in frontend
  • Updated frontend dependencies
  • Updated Postgres JDBC drivers for usage from 42.4.1 to 42.4.4
  • Updated Postgres JDBC drivers for migration from 42.5.0 to 42.5.5


  • Not able to adjust permissions in frontend on lower resolutions
  • Selecting ownership in Queues and Projects
  • Retrieving file size for LFS objects of Projects when query parameter retrieveFileAttributes is set to true for /v1/repositories/{repositoryName}/contents endpoint
  • Switch format of date responses in RTSA and Web API Agent to MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a zzz
  • Keep date format compatibility from Java 8 to Java 11 by adding java.locale.providers=COMPAT as additional default JVM property
  • Adhere to TZ (time zone) environment variable in RTSA and Web API Agent date responses if set, otherwise fall back to Etc/UTC (via SPRING_JACKSON_TIME_ZONE)

License Proxy

  • Bump ALJDK to 15.5.1
  • Improve transposing ALM related environment variables

License Agent

  • Bump to License Proxy API 1.4.0

ActiveMQ Artemis

  • Bump to 2.36.0

Deployment fixes and enhancements

  • Upgraded to Keycloak v25.0.4
  • Changed Keycloak configuration
  • Turned on Prometheus exporters for AI Hub components by default
  • Added several missing options for AI Hub components
  • Added SecrutityContext for MonetDB, Panopticon RServe and VizApp
  • Upgraded Grafana to 10.4.8
  • Added a non-operating Jupyter Notebook service to the docker compose template to trigger a notebook download during deployment
  • Added missing TLSv1.3 protocol to supported protocols in rapidminer-proxy

Migration step to fix a file permission issue in OKD

The deployment-init component in previous versions of the AI Hub OKD deployment set group ownership on files in the /rapidminer/.keycloak folder incorrectly. If you are upgrading from a previous version, the following small migration step is required!

Use a busybox temporary container to change group owner ship:

#Apply the yml file in the aihub-deployment Namespace
kubectl apply -f busybox.yml
kubectl exec -it busybox -- sh
    chgrp root /rapidminer/.keycloak/rm-deployment-init/*
kubectl delete -f busybox.yml

The busybox.yml definition

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    name: busybox
    namespace: <productNS in values.yaml>
    - image: busybox
        - sleep
        - "3600"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      name: busybox
        - mountPath: /rapidminer/.keycloak
          name: deployment-init-pv
      - name: deployment-init-pv
          claimName: deployment-init-pvc