

What's New in Radoop 10.5.0?

Released: September 6, 2024

HDFS support

Radoop 10.5.0 is now available, offering users direct read and write access to their files stored in HDFS, with the added capability to design the processing of these files in a Loop operator within Radoop Nest. Only the processed or aggregated data is brought back to local memory, giving users the power to work with datasets that are too large to handle in-memory. The Loop operator can include almost all Studio operators, providing a wide range of processing options for your HDFS files. This enables the implementation of workflows for managing both structured and unstructured large datasets.


From version 10.5 and moving forward, Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) will be our primary supported distribution. We believe this will allow us to offer enhanced performance and faster updates for the majority of our users.

If you are using a different distribution, we encourage you to reach out to our support team. We are committed to understanding your needs and will consider making the necessary adjustments to support your environment.

Full list of enhancements and bug fixes