You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 7.6 - Check here for latest version
Installing RapidMiner Radoop on RapidMiner Server
The following requirements must be met before installing the RapidMiner Radoop extension on RapidMiner Server:
- RapidMiner Radoop Extension installed and tested on RapidMiner Studio. If necessary, see Configuring RapidMiner Radoop Connections to ensure that you have a valid connection to a Hadoop cluster in RapidMiner Studio.
Installing RapidMiner Radoop on RapidMiner Server
Installing the RapidMiner Radoop client on RapidMiner Server requires that you copy files from your RapidMiner Studio configuration into your RapidMiner Server installation. To install the RapidMiner Radoop Extension:
Stop the server.
Download RapidMiner Radoop extension from the Marketplace. Upload the file to the extension directory of RapidMiner Server.
To determine the location of your RapidMiner Server extensions directory, from the RapidMiner Server home page open Administration and then System Settings. The value of the
system setting indicates the location of the directory.From your local .RapidMiner configuration directory (created by RapidMiner Studio), copy the radoop_connections.xml file to the server machine. Identify the user running RapidMiner Server and place these files in its home folder into the .RapidMiner subfolder. In a multi-user Server environment, please see the Configuring and securing multiple connections section.
Restart the server.
Install Radoop license, if necessary.
Installing Radoop license on Server
RapidMiner Radoop license needs manual installation on RapidMiner Server (note that Radoop Basic license is not enough to use Radoop). On the Server Web UI, navigate to the Administration > Manage Licenses menu item and check your Radoop license under the Active licenses. If it is a Radoop Basic license, click on the Install License action in the Actions menu (located on the right side by default) and paste your Radoop license in the text field.
Managing Radoop connections on RapidMiner Server
Radoop connections are stored in radoop_connections.xml on the server side, but there is no GUI on the server to edit the connections. Connections should be edited on the client side using RapidMiner Studio and added to the server as an XML file.
In a multi-user environment the Rapidminer Server administrator needs to manually edit the radoop_connections.xml file on the Server to make sure that all connections are included. The radoop_connections.xml file can list an arbitrary number of connections. These connections may point to the same Hadoop cluster or may point to different clusters. They may define connections for the same user or for different users (e.g., with different Hadoop username fields).
The connection file on RapidMiner Server should list all connections that may be used by any process submitted to this Server. The connection names must be the same on the Server and in the RapidMiner Studio instance that submits the process.
Starting from RapidMiner Radoop 7.3, RapidMiner Server does not need to be restarted if radoop_connections.xml is modified. The changes are applied immediately, more precisely, all process executions after the modification will use the modified connection, because the xml file is re-read from the disk, but already running processes are unaffected.
In version 7.2 and below, if you change your Hadoop connection in RapidMiner Studio, you must do the following steps for the new connection settings to be reflected on RapidMiner Server.
Stop RapidMiner Server.
Re-upload radoop_connections.xml.
Restart RapidMiner Server.
In a multi-user RapidMiner Server environment, two different configuration solutions are available for creating Radoop connections:
- Dedicated Radoop connection for each client user on the server side, or
- one connection with the credentials of a privileged Hadoop user, a user allowed to impersonate other users. (see Apache Hadoop impersonation)
Option #1: Creating dedicated Hadoop connections for the client users
This approach requires a dedicated connection definition for each user, and administrators must take care of connection name conflicts. RapidMiner Studio users only need to have their own connection(s) in their local connection file on their client machine. On the server side, there will be multiple connections defined in the connection file. An example for naming the connections: clustername_username
, where clustername
is an identifier for the Hadoop cluster and username
is an identifier for the user (e.g. that may be the same as the value of the Hadoop username field). Starting from RapidMiner Radoop 7.0 the Edit XML... option on the Advanced Connection Properties window can be used to copy each user's connection entry into the merged radoop_connections.xml on the Server.
To control the access rights to these connections, e.g. so that one user can only use his/her own connection when submitting processes to the Server, each connection should set the so called Access Whitelist field to the corresponding username
. See Access control on Radoop connections for details.
Option #2: Using Hadoop user impersonation in the Radoop connection
Starting from Rapidminer Radoop 7.4 using Hadoop impersonation is available for Radoop connections. This approach enables the administrators to add a single connection to RapidMiner Server with the credentials of a privileged Hadoop user, who is able to impersonate other Hadoop users. This approach results in less maintenance and simpler access right management, while the credentials of the users (encrypted passwords or keytabs) are not stored on the server. Please note that using a keytab for the privileged superuser is strongly recommended, as the ticket renewal is not fully supported in case of using a password.
Hadoop-side configuration for impersonation
On the Hadoop side, there should be a dedicated user (username can be e.g. privilegeduser
), who has the rights to impersonate others. This configuration can be done based on the Hadoop documentation. In a simple case, the following snippet should be added to the core-site.xml in the Hadoop Configuration:
If HDFS Encryption (and KMS service) is enabled, the similar settings should be also ensured in the kms-site.xml. For detailed information please visit the KMS Proxyuser Configuration section on the KMS documentation page or follow the instructions of your Hadoop vendor.
Creating and testing the connection for RapidMiner Server
Similar to the other approach, a connection should be constructed using RapidMiner Studio. To do that, there is a separate "RapidMiner Server Settings" section on the Advanced Connection Properties window.

As on the screenshot above, the Enable impersonation on server checkbox should be enabled and the credentials of the superuser should be entered to the Server Client Principal and Server Keytab File or Server Password fields similar to the case with client users (presented in section Hadoop security configuration). In case of LDAP authentication is configured for Hive, the Hive Principal should be empty and the credentials of the privilegeduser
should be entered to the Hive Username and Password fields (these two fields are only enabled if Hive Principal is empty).
The connection can be tested from RapidMiner Studio, if the networking setup allows connecting to the Hadoop cluster from the client hosts. If the Impersonated user for local testing field is set (e.g. scott
is entered as username), then all the operations are submitted using the privilegeduser
credentials, but impersonating the scott
user and using its access rights. This field does not have an effect when running on RapidMiner Server: in that case, the Server user will always be the impersonated user.
Securing Radoop connections on RapidMiner Server
RapidMiner Server supports connections to Hadoop clusters with the same security settings as RapidMiner Studio, but you may need to manually edit the connection XML file (e.g. because of different file path settings on the server side). In general, connections should be constructed using RapidMiner Studio (using it as a "connection editor"), and the following additional steps should be considered.
Decrypting connection passwords
RapidMiner Radoop uses the local cipher.key file to encrypt and the key attribute of the radoop-entries tag in the XML file to decrypt the passwords in the radoop_connections.xml file by default. If the radoop_connections.xml contains entries from multiple users, there are two possible solutions:
- Creating every user's connection entry on the same computer (with the same cipher.key file), or
- it is possible to add a key attribute to each radoop-connection-entry manually. Radoop will use the per-entry key attribute instead of the per-file key.
For example, user John and Scott have the following radoop_connections.xml files:
<radoop-entries key="XkzjmytZW2ffc7+MnU11BdhzomF8355R">
<radoop-entries key="KLS4GvvZta0NhtXfwkXQeSqD11ngXeWP">
The merged radoop_connections.xml looks like the following:
<radoop-entries key="dontcare">
<radoop-connection-entry key="XkzjmytZW2ffc7+MnU11BdhzomF8355R">
<radoop-connection-entry key="KLS4GvvZta0NhtXfwkXQeSqD11ngXeWP">
Connection to Hadoop clusters with Kerberos authentication
For configuring a connection to a cluster with Kerberos authentication, see Hadoop security. Please take the following notes when using these connections through RapidMiner Server.
Connecting with Kerberos password
Starting from RapidMiner Radoop 7.1 it is possible to use a password to connect to a Kerberized cluster. To make sure that the encrypted passwords in the connection XML can be decrypted on the Server, please refer to the Decrypting connection passwords section. Please note that on the Server side, using a keytab is recommended, as the ticket renewal is not fully supported in case of using a password.
Connecting with keytab file
Connections to a Kerberized cluster should specify the path for the users keytab file instead of the password. This means that the keytab file must be accessible on the local file system of the Server. The path usually differs from the path on the local file system of the user using RapidMiner Studio. The RapidMiner Server administrator have to ensure that the keytabFile field of the radoop_connections.xml file on the Server points to the appropriate path on the Server. The keytab file itself on the file system should only be accessible for the user running RapidMiner Server.
Note: A RapidMiner Server instance can only talk to a single kerberized Hadoop cluster, more precisely, to a single Kerberos Realm. This limitation comes from the architecture of the Java Kerberos implementation. However, multiple users can use this kerberized Hadoop cluster concurrently through this RapidMiner Server instance.
Connecting to Hive with LDAP authentication
If LDAP is used for authentication to HiveServer2, then passwords should be entered similarly to the Kerberos passwords, please refer to the Decrypting connection passwords section. In case of impersonation, the provided Hive LDAP user should also have Hadoop proxyuser privileges.
Access control on Radoop connections
Starting from RapidMiner Radoop 2.3.1, the usage of a Hadoop connection on RapidMiner Server can be limited to a user or a group of users. This means that a RapidMiner Server user that is not on the optionally specified whitelist of a connection cannot use it when submitting Radoop processes. This way, the Server administrator can make sure that users cannot use connections that they are not permitted to use, and that they cannot evade this restriction by manipulating their connection identifiers in submitted processes.
To define a group (or user) whitelist for a connection, add the accesswhitelist tag for the corresponding radoop-connection-entry in the radoop_connections.xml. The value of this property is an arbitrary regular expression (.* or * can be used for allowing all users). Only RapidMiner Server users whose group matches this expression are allowed to use the connection in a submitted process. If this optional accesswhitelist is not specified for a connection, then any user can use it in a process. Please note that RapidMiner Radoop version 7.4.0 only supports usernames instead of groups in this property, but starting from version 7.4.1, groups are supported.
<radoop-connection-entry> .... <accesswhitelist>ds_group|dba_group|john|scott</accesswhitelist> </radoop-connection-entry>
Change Radoop Proxy enabled connections
Starting from RapidMiner Radoop 7.3.1, Radoop Proxy is automatically disabled when a process is executed on RapidMiner Server, because in a typical setup, RapidMiner Server runs inside the secure zone.
In case you have a custom manual Radoop Proxy installed on an edge node, and RapidMiner Server (besides Studio) can only reach the Hadoop cluster via this edge node (so it runs outside the secure zone), you need to manually edit the radoop_connectons.xml file on the Server. In this case add the forceproxyonserver tag with the value T.
<radoop-entries key="XkzjmytZW2ffc7+MnU11BdhzomF8355R">
Please note that the location of the Radop Proxy connection specified in Studio for this connection needs to be the Remote Repository corresponding to this RapidMiner Server instance. Otherwise the process won't be able to find the proxy connection when running on the Server and will fail because of that.
When using RapidMiner Radoop 7.3.0, the Radoop Proxy connections need to be changed if they are used on RapidMiner Server. This step is not required with RapidMiner Radoop 7.3.1 or later.
If Studio users use Radoop Proxy to access the Hadoop Cluster but your Server is inside the secured zone of the cluster then most likely you need to disable the Radoop Proxy setting. You can do this by changing the useRadoopProxy tag contents to F in your radoop_connectons.xml before uploading it to the sever.
<radoop-entries key="XkzjmytZW2ffc7+MnU11BdhzomF8355R">