- Documentation
- Studio
- Operator Manual
You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version
This page is also available as printer-friendly document: RapidMiner Operator Reference (PDF)
- Data Access
- Copy Repository Entry
- Delete Repository Entry
- Retrieve from File
- Store to File
- Move Repository Entry
- Rename Repository Entry
- Retrieve
- Store
- Files
- Read
- Read SAS
- Read Access
- Read ARFF
- Read BibTeX
- Unknown
- Read CSV
- Read DASYLab
- Read dBase
- Read Excel
- Read SPSS
- Read Stata
- Read URL
- Read XML
- Read XRFF
- Write
- Database
- Cassandra
- MongoDB
- Solr
- Applications
- Trigger Zapier
- Qlik
- Splunk
- Salesforce
- Mozenda
- Cloud Storage
- Amazon S3
- Azure Blob Storage
- Delete Azure Blob Storage Resource
- Loop Azure Blob Storage
- Read Azure Blob Storage
- Write Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Delete Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Resource
- Loop Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Read Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Write Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Dropbox
- Google Storage
- Google Drive
- Google BigQuery
- Google Sheets
- IoT
- Altair IoT
- Blending
- Python Transformer
- Attributes
- Reorder Attributes
- Names & Roles
- Types
- One-Hot Encoding
- Target Encoding
- Date to Nominal
- Date to Numerical
- Format Numbers
- Guess Types
- Nominal to Binominal
- Nominal to Date
- Nominal to Numerical
- Nominal to Text
- Numerical to Binominal
- Numerical to Date
- Numerical to Polynominal
- Numerical to Real
- Parse Numbers
- Real to Integer
- Set Positive Value
- Text to Nominal
- Selection
- Remove Attribute Range
- Remove Correlated Attributes
- Remove Useless Attributes
- Select Attributes
- Select by Random
- Select by Weights
- Work on Subset
- Generation
- Generate Batch
- Text Vectorization
- Generate Absolutes
- Generate Aggregation
- Generate Attributes
- Generate Concatenation
- Generate Copy
- Generate Empty Attribute
- Generate Function Set
- Generate Gaussians
- Generate ID
- Generate Item Set Indicators
- Generate Products
- Generate TFIDF
- Generate Weight (LPR)
- Generate Weight (Stratification)
- Examples
- Filter
- Sampling
- Sort
- Table
- Grouping
- Rotation
- Joins
- Values
- Cleansing
- Quality Measures
- Statistics
- Normalization
- Binning
- Discretize by Binning
- Discretize by Entropy
- Discretize by Frequency
- Discretize by Size
- Discretize by User Specification
- Missing
- Handle Unknown Values
- Replace All Missings
- Declare Missing Value
- Fill Data Gaps
- Impute Missing Values
- Remove Unused Values
- Replace Infinite Values
- Replace Missing Values
- Duplicates
- Outliers
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Modeling
- Python Forecaster
- Python Learner
- Predictive
- Create Formula
- Group Models
- Ungroup Models
- Update Model
- Lazy
- Bayesian
- Trees
- Gradient Boosted Trees
- Decision Stump
- Decision Tree (Multiway)
- Decision Tree (Weight-Based)
- ID3
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Random Tree
- Rules
- Rule Induction
- Single Rule Induction
- Single Rule Induction (Single Attribute)
- Subgroup Discovery
- Tree to Rules
- Neural Nets
- Functions
- Generalized Linear Model
- Function Fitting
- Gaussian Process
- Linear Regression
- Local Polynomial Regression
- Polynomial Regression
- Relevance Vector Machine
- Seemingly Unrelated Regression
- Vector Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machines
- Fast Large Margin
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Machine (Evolutionary)
- Support Vector Machine (LibSVM)
- Support Vector Machine (Linear)
- Support Vector Machine (PSO)
- Discriminant Analysis
- Ensembles
- Segmentation
- Cluster Model Visualizer
- Agglomerative Clustering
- Extract Cluster Prototypes
- k-Means (fast)
- Flatten Clustering
- k-Means (H2O)
- k-Means
- k-Means (Kernel)
- K-Medoids
- Random Clustering
- Support Vector Clustering
- Top Down Clustering
- X-Means
- Associations
- Apply Association Rules
- Create Association Rules
- FP-Growth
- Generalized Sequential Patterns
- Item Sets to Data
- Unify Item Sets
- Correlations
- ANOVA Matrix
- Correlation Matrix
- Covariance Matrix
- Grouped ANOVA
- Mutual Information Matrix
- Rainflow Matrix
- Transition Graph
- Transition Matrix
- Similarities
- Feature Weights
- Data to Weights
- Weight by Chi Squared Statistic
- Weight by Component Model
- Weight by Correlation
- Weight by Deviation
- Weight by Tree Importance
- Weight by Gini Index
- Weight by Information Gain
- Weight by Information Gain Ratio
- Weight by PCA
- Weight by Relief
- Weight by Rule
- Weight by SVM
- Weight by Uncertainty
- Weight by User Specification
- Weight by Value Average
- Weights to Data
- Optimization
- Apply Feature Set
- Automatic Feature Engineering
- Unsupervised Feature Selection
- Parameters
- Clone Parameters
- Optimize Parameters (Evolutionary)
- Optimize Parameters (Grid)
- Optimize Parameters (Quadratic)
- Set Parameters
- Feature Selection
- Optimize Selection
- Backward Elimination
- Optimize Selection (Brute Force)
- Optimize Selection (Evolutionary)
- Forward Selection
- Optimize Selection (Weight-Guided)
- Feature Generation
- Optimize by Generation (AGA)
- Optimize by Generation (Evolutionary Aggregation)
- Optimize by Generation (GGA)
- Optimize by Generation (YAGGA)
- Optimize by Generation (YAGGA2)
- Feature Weighting
- Time Series
- Transformation
- Autocorrelation / Autocovariance
- Differentiate
- Equalize Numerical Indices
- Equalize Time Stamps
- Exponential Smoothing
- Fast Fourier Transformation
- Highest Peak Transformation
- Integrate
- Lag
- Logarithm
- Moving Average Filter
- Normalize (Series)
- Replace Missing Values (Series)
- Z-Score Peak Transformation
- Decomposition
- Feature Extraction
- Windowing
- Forecasting
- Apply Forecast
- Default Forecast
- Function and Seasonal Component Forecast
- Holt-Winters
- Multi Horizon Forecast
- Validation
- Utility
- Scoring
- Cost-Sensitive Scoring
- Explain Predictions
- Model Simulator
- Prescriptive Analytics
- Apply Model
- Confidences
- Validation
- Bootstrapping Validation
- Cross Validation
- Split Validation
- Wrapper Split Validation
- Wrapper-X-Validation
- Performance
- Multi Label Performance
- Combine Performances
- Extract Performance
- Performance
- Performance (Min-Max)
- Performance to Data
- Performance (User-Based)
- Predictive
- Performance (Attribute Count)
- Performance (Binominal Classification)
- Performance (Classification)
- Performance (Costs)
- Performance (Ranking)
- Performance (Regression)
- Performance (Support Vector Count)
- Segmentation
- Cluster Count Performance
- Cluster Density Performance
- Cluster Distance Performance
- Item Distribution Performance
- Map Clustering on Labels
- Significance Tests
- Visual
- Utility
- Schedule Process
- Execute Process
- Multiply
- Subprocess
- Scripting
- Process Control
- Publish to App
- Recall
- Recall from App
- Remember
- Loops
- Loop
- Loop and Average
- Loop and Deliver Best
- Loop Attribute Subsets
- Loop Attributes
- Loop Batches
- Loop Clusters
- Loop Collection
- Loop Data Fractions
- Loop Data Sets
- Loop Examples
- Loop Files
- Loop Labels
- Loop Parameters
- Loop Repository
- Loop Until
- Loop Values
- Loop Zip-File Entries
- Branches
- Collections
- Exceptions
- Macros
- Files
- Add Entry to Archive File
- Copy File
- Create Archive File
- Create Directory
- Delete File
- Move File
- Open File
- Rename File
- Write as Text
- Write File
- Write Message
- Annotations
- Logging
- Data Anonymization
- Random Data Generation
- Add Noise
- Create ExampleSet
- Generate Churn Data
- Generate Data
- Generate Direct Mailing Data
- Generate Massive Data
- Generate Multi-Label Data
- Generate Nominal Data
- Generate Sales Data
- Generate Team Profit Data
- Generate Transaction Data
- Generate Transfer Data
- Generate Up-Selling Data
- Misc
- Extensions
- Kafka Connector
- MLFlow
- Experiments
- Models
- Text Processing
- Create Document
- Data to Documents
- Documents to Data
- Extract Document
- Process Documents
- Process Documents from Data
- Process Documents from Files
- Process Documents from Mail Store
- Read Document
- Read Documents (Mail)
- Write Document
- Generation
- Utility
- Tokenization
- Extraction
- Filtering
- Filter Documents (by Content)
- Filter Stopwords (Arabic)
- Filter Stopwords (Czech)
- Filter Stopwords (Dictionary)
- Filter Stopwords (English)
- Filter Stopwords (French)
- Filter Stopwords (German)
- Filter Tokens (by Content)
- Filter Tokens (by Length)
- Filter Tokens (by POS Ratios)
- Filter Tokens (by POS Tags)
- Filter Tokens (by Region)
- Stemming
- Stem (Arabic)
- Stem (Arabic, Light)
- Stem (Dictionary)
- Stem (German)
- Stem (Lovins)
- Stem (Porter)
- Stem (Snowball)
- Transformation
- Web Mining
- Clear Cookies
- Crawl Web
- Get Page
- Get Pages
- Process Documents from Web
- Read RSS Feed
- Services
- Html Processing
- Utility
- Rest
- Admin Tools
- Data Access
- Ai Hub
- Add Contents to Project (AI Hub)
- Create Project (AI Hub)
- Delete Project (AI Hub)
- Delete Schedule (AI Hub)
- Get JWT (AI Hub)
- Get Jobs (AI Hub)
- Get Log (AI Hub)
- Get Metrics (AI Hub)
- Get Project (AI Hub)
- Get Projects (AI Hub)
- Get Schedules (AI Hub)
- Kill Job (AI Hub)
- Run Job (AI Hub)
- Schedule Job (AI Hub)
- Rtsa
- Image Processing
- Transformations
- Align Image
- Apply Threshold
- Blur Image
- Color Scale Image
- Convert Color
- Crop Image
- Dilate Image
- Erode Image
- Flip Image
- Generate Pixel Aggregation
- Invert Image
- Resize Image
- Rotate Image
- Translate Image
- Data Access
- Extract Image Information
- Image to Table
- Process Images from Webcam
- Read Image
- Read Image from Webcam
- Read Video
- Table to Image
- Write Image
- Regions
- Other
- Custom Operators
- Parameter Helper
- Attribute Parameter Macro
- Boolean Parameter Macro
- Category Parameter Macro
- Directory Parameter Macro
- Double Parameter Macro
- File Parameter Macro
- Integer Parameter Macro
- Repository Location Parameter Macro
- Text Parameter Macro
- Data Access
- Execute Process from Custom Extension
- Open File from Custom Extension
- Read Dictionary
- Retrieve from Custom Extension
- Progress
- Utility
- Generative AI
- In-Database Processing
- In Database Nest
- Data Access
- Blending
- Aggregate (In Database)
- Convert Type (In Database)
- Custom Query (In Database)
- Filter Example Range (In Database)
- Filter Examples (In Database)
- Generate Attributes (In Database)
- Generate Rank (In Database)
- Join (In Database)
- Rename (In Database)
- Rename by Replacing (In Database)
- Reorder Attributes (In Database)
- Replace (In Database)
- Sample (In Database)
- Select Attributes (In Database)
- Sort (In Database)
- Union (In Database)
- Cleansing
- Declare Missing Value (In Database)
- Remove Duplicates (In Database)
- Replace Missing Values (In Database)
- Utility
- Operator Toolbox
- Blending
- Build Simulation
- Extract Statistics
- Filter Attributes with Missing Values
- Filter Examples with Missing Values
- Generate Aggregation (Advanced)
- Generate Partial Dependency Plot Data
- Get Holidays
- Rename by Multiple Examples
- Replace Rare Values
- SMOTE Upsampling
- Weight of Evidence
- Table
- Append (Superset)
- Collect and Persist
- Fuzzy Matching
- Group Into Collection
- Merge Attributes
- Sample (Collection)
- Sort (Multiple)
- Attribute Generation
- Data Access
- Data Export
- Feature Selection
- Macros
- Models
- Apply Association Rules (Detailed)
- Check Model Conformance
- GLM Contribution
- Get Decision Tree Path
- Local Interpretation (LIME)
- Optimize Threshold
- Optimize Threshold (Subprocess)
- Random Forest Encoder
- Outliers
- Parameters
- Performance
- Text Processing
- Apply Model (Documents)
- Dictionary-Based Sentiment (Documents)
- Extract Sentiment
- Extract Topics from Data (LDA)
- Extract Topics from Documents (LDA)
- Filter Tokens Using ExampleSet
- Split Document into Collection
- Stem Tokens Using ExampleSet
- Utility
- Deployment