

You are viewing the RapidMiner Go documentation for version 9.3 - Check here for latest version

Install RapidMiner Go


You need to have the following installed and running on your machine:

  • Docker >= v18.09
  • docker-compose >= 1.23

To read more how to install docker and docker-compose on your platform see:

You need to grant at least 8GiB memory to the Docker Engine for a decent performance.

Docker Images

The application is composed of several images:

  • rapidminer-automodel-routing : Routing NGINX reverse proxy
  • rapidminer-automodel-rmid : RMID - authentication and authorization service
  • rapidminer-automodeler : RapidMiner Go - the automatic modeling and prediction service
  • rapidminer-automodel-job-container : Job Container - execution backend for RapidMiner Go
  • rapidminer-ui-event-tracking : EventTracking - analytics service

Each service can be customized by setting environment variables in docker-compose-services.yml.
For configuration options check the relevant sub-pages.

The images of for the individual services are available on Docker Hub


Please download and unzip the docker files here.

The full stack can be composed using two files:

  • docker-compose-infra.yml : contains all the infrastructural needs for the application stack
  • docker-compose-services.yml : contains all the services configured

To start the full stack execute the following steps:

  • Copy your RapidMiner Go license on your host into licenses/rapidminer-auto-model directory
  • Edit the .env file and make sure it contains the following:
  • IMAGE_TAG identifies the build versions to be used for composing.
  • AUTH_SECRET is the secret used for signing and validating the authentication tokens used by the applications -- it has to be a Base64 encoded string.
  • BASE_URL is the external base URL visible on the frontend - e.g. http://localhost:30000

Important: The databases and the AMQ broker use the default passwords. It is not recommended to use these in production. Follow the guide below to change the default passwords.

  • Execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml up -d
  • Execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml up -d
  • Wait for ~2-3 minutes depending on your machine to have all the services available

To check logs of individual applications:

  • Execute docker-compose -f docker-compose-STACK.yml logs SERVICE_NAME where STACK is the postfix of the yml file's name and SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service which logs you want to display (use compose yml's service names (which are the direct children of services: node, e.g.: rapidminer-automodeler)

To shut down the full stack:

  • First shut down services by executing docker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml down
  • Then shut down infrastructure via docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml down


  • Open application on http://localhost:30000
  • Use admin and changeit for user/password

  • For creating additional users check RMID docs

Changing the default passwords

You should change the default database passwords for users rmid and cookie in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ :

 CREATE USER cookie WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'automodel_db_password';

Then you should provide the same passwords by adding new environment variables to the services in docker-compose-services.yml:

    image: rapidminer/rapidminer-automodeler:${IMAGE_TAG}
      DB_PASSWORD: <automodel_db_password>
    image: rapidminer/rapidminer-automodel-rmid:${IMAGE_TAG}
      DB_PASSWORD: <rmid_db_password>
    image: rapidminer/rapidminer-ui-event-tracking:${IMAGE_TAG}
      DB_PASSWORD: <automodel_db_password>

To further improve security, the ActiveMQ password should also be added as a new environment variable in docker-compose-infra.yml :

    image: webcenter/activemq:5.13.1
      ACTIVEMQ_OWNER_PASSWORD: <amq_password>

Then provide the same password as a new environment variable to services in docker-compose-services.yml:

      AMQ_PASSWORD: <amq_password>
      AMQ_PASSWORD: <amq_password>