You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.5 - Check here for latest version

Encrypting local-security value

The values of your can be encrypted in order to better protect your LDAP/SAML configuration.

The following steps have to be followed in the order they are presented. If you place an encrypted value in the properties file without configuring the appropriate setting, Server will fail to start.

Configure the Server Settings

First you need to create a new Server property that will contain your encryption key. Your new property should be called com.rapidanalytics.encryption.key and the value should be whatever encryption key you choose.

Your settings page should look similar to the one above. Replace "secret" with your encryption key. You can find more info about Modifying System Settings here.

Encrypt the value

In order to encrypt the value you need to use the jasypt utility which is bundled with RapidMiner Server.

Navigate to the \bin folder. We will be using the encrypt utility (.sh for UNIX systems and .bat for Windows systems). From the command line, use the encrypt utility as shown below for your operating system.

Replace PROPERTY with the value of the property you want to encrypt, and ENCRYPTION_KEY with the key you defined in the Server Settings.

.\encrypt input=PROPERTY password=ENCRYPTION_KEY algorithm=PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES


Runtime: Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.102-b14


algorithm: PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES
password: secret



Replace PROPERTY with the value of the property you want to encrypt, and ENCRYPTION_KEY with the key you defined in the Server Settings.

Note: Do NOT complete the next step if you have NOT configured the Server Setting with your encryption key in the previous step. Doing so will prevent Server from starting, and will NOT allow you to continue with the configuration.

Open your file and replace the property value you encrypted with the Output string, surrounded by ENC(xxxxxx). For example:




After this, you can restart Server, and if properly configured, your LDAP/SAML connection should work as expected. If you still have not configured your LDAP/SAML connection, you can learn how to configure LDAP here and SAML here.