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Docker image for Radoop Proxy

The documentation below describes the following Docker image:

  • RapidMiner Radoop Proxy 1.2.1 (rapidminer/radoop-proxy:1.2.1)

For Docker images, see Docker Hub.


This is a RapidMiner Radoop Proxy image. It can be deployed standalone, or as part of a (container based) RapidMiner Server deployment. Learn more about Radoop Proxy here.

For available versions, please see the tags:

Authentication schemes

When co-deployed with RapidMiner Server, Radoop Proxy can use the authentication method configured within that Server deployment. When deployed standalone, only the superuser authentication method is available, and the username and password used for authentication against the Radoop Proxy must be supplied when the container is provisioned. (see details below)

Environment variables

The following parameters are available:

  • PORT: The port that Radoop Proxy will listen on for Radoop traffic, and route it to the Hadoop cluster. Default is 1081. Please make sure the external and internal ports (from Docker perspective) are set to the same port number.
  • SSL, KEYSTOREPASSWORD: if SSL is set to on, then encrypt the connection between RapidMiner Studio and the Radoop Proxy. The keystore file has to be mounted as a volume to make it available for the container. It has to be mounted into the /keystore/ folder, and it can be anywhere on the host computer (see examples below for more info). The keystore password can be specified in KEYSTOREPASSWORD. Disabled by default.
  • AUTHENTICATION: the authentication scheme to be used. Can be superuser, jwt, or server. When deployed standalone, only superuser method is accepted. Default is superuser.
  • SCHEME, SERVERHOST, SERVERPORT: to be provided when server or jwt authentication method is selected above. SCHEME can be http or https, http is the default value. These three will provide the address of the RapidMiner Server to be used for authentication.
  • SUPERUSERNAME, SUPERUSERPASSWORD: username and password to be used for authentication, when superuser authentication method is selected. Defaults are proxyadmin and changeit.
  • WORKERSPOOLSIZE: The number of worker threads to be used by the Radoop Proxy to handle incoming Radoop connections. Default is 100.


In the following scripts, all the terms with <brackets> need to be replaced with values that are defined by you and are unique to your configuration.

Startup examples

Here's the simplest command to run Radoop Proxy, which will deploy a standalone Radoop Proxy in superuser authentication mode, with all settings on default values:

    docker run \
            -p 1081:1081 \

Here's an example how to deploy a Radoop Proxy which connects to an existing RapidMiner Server deployment:

    docker run \
            -p 1081:1081
            -e AUTHENTICATION=server \
            -e SERVERHOST=<RapidMiner Server address> \
            -e SERVERPORT=<RapidMiner Server port> \

Finally, here's an example for SSL authentication enabled.

    docker run \
            -p 1081:1081
            -e SSL=on \
            -e KEYSTOREPASSWORD=<keystore password> \
            -v <path of keystore folder>:/keystore \

Example configurations for docker-compose

Here's an example how to add Radoop Proxy to an existing, secured RapidMiner Server deployment (accessible via HTTPS):

version: "3"
      - AUTHENTICATION=server
      - SERVERHOST=<RapidMiner Server address>
      - SERVERPORT=<RapidMiner Server port>
      - SCHEME=https
      - 1081:1081

And here's another example for a standalone Radoop Proxy listening on a non-default port:

version: "3"
      - SUPERUSERNAME=<Radoop Proxy Username>
      - SUPERUSERPASSWORD=<Radoop Proxy Password>
      - PORT=2082
      - 2082:2082