Create Google Drive Folder (Cloud Connectivity)
This operator creates a new folder in Google Drive™.Description
Before you can upload the input file to the Google Drive, you must load it with an Open file operator.
Ensure that the correct MIME type settings are selected, otherwise an error may occur! Setting the correct MIME types will help export Google Workspace documents which can't be downloaded directly.
- connection (Connection)
This input port expects a Connection object if any. See the parameter connection entry for more information.
- through (IOObject)
The output object that is received in the corresponding input port. If the input port is not connected the port delivers nothing.
- connection (Connection)
This output port delivers the Connection object from the input port. If the input port is not connected the port delivers nothing.
- through (IOObject)
The input object is passed through and returned here.
- folder name Enter the name of the folder to be created on Google Drive, e.g. MyNewFolder
- parent folder id Enter the folder id of the Google Drive folder where the new folder should be created. The parameter is optional and RapidMiner will create the folder at the root My Drive if blank.
- file id macro This parameter used to specify the name of the macro to store the file id of newly created folder. The default value is new_folder_id. Please note that all objects in Google Drive have file ids which is why the newly created folder is assigned a file id and not a folder id!