Read URL (AI Studio Core)


This operator reads an example set from a URL. It allows only a fixed data format but on the other hand is able to read data from arbitrary sources.


This operator reads an example set from a URL. The format has to be a CSV format with ';' as column separator and nominal values have to be quoted with a double quote ("). A quote inside a nominal value has to be escaped by a backslash like in \". The first row is allowed to contain the column names which has to be indicated by the corresponding parameter. Comments are not allowed, unknown attribute values can be marked with empty strings or a question mark.

This operator is not nearly as powerful as other Read operators but is on the other hand able to read data from arbitrary places as long as the format fits the specification above. Please note also that the usage of this operator hardly allows for a correct meta data description which might lead to problems if the meta data between training and test set differ in a learning scenario.

Attribute roles can not be directly set during loading but the operator Set Role has to be used after loading in order to change the roles.


  • output (Data Table)

    The output of this operator.


  • urlThe url to read the data from.
  • column separatorsColumn separators for data files (regular expression)
  • read attribute namesRead attribute names from file (assumes the attribute names are in the first line of the file).
  • skip error linesIndicates if lines which can not be read should be skipped instead of letting this operator fail its execution.
  • decimal point characterCharacter that is used as decimal point.
  • encodingThe encoding used for reading or writing files.