

Process Documents (Text Processing)


Generates word vectors from a text object.


This operator uses one single TextObject as input for generating a term vector. The resulting exampleset will hence consist of only one single example. This makes this operator especially useful for applying a model on one single text. But since the SingleTextInputOperator even provides a parameter for specifying the text, this one is more appropriate if used by a program, where a TextObject might simply be constructed and passed to the process.


  • word list

    The word list port.

  • documents (Collection)

    The documents port.


  • example set (Data table)

    The example set port.

  • word list

    The word list port.


  • create word vectorIf checked, the tokens of a document will be used to generate a vector numerically representing the document.
  • vector creationSelect the schema for creating the word vector.
  • add meta informationIf checked, available meta information of the text like filename, date is added as attribute.
  • keep textIf checked, the input text will be stored as a special String attribute with the role text.
  • prune methodSpecifies if to frequent or to infrequent words should be ignored for word list building and how the frequencies are specified.
  • prune below percentIgnore words that appear in less than this percentage of all documents.
  • prune above percentIgnore words that appear in more than this percentage of all documents.
  • prune below absoluteIgnore words that appear in less than that many documents.
  • prune above absoluteIgnore words that appear in more than that many documents.
  • prune below rankWords are ordered by frequency and words with a frequency less than the frequency of the rank given by this percentage will be pruned.
  • prune above rankWords are ordered by frequency and words with a frequency higher than the frequency of the rank given by this percentage will be pruned.
  • datamanagementDetermines, how the data is represented internally.
  • parallelize vector creationDetermines whether the execution of Vector Creation should be parallelized.