Single Rule Induction (AI Studio Core)


Returns a best conjunctive rule with respect to the WRAcc metric for boolean prediction problems and polynominal attributes.


This operator returns the best rule regarding WRAcc using exhaustive search. Features like the incorporation of other metrics and the search for more than a single rule are prepared. The search strategy is BFS, with save pruning whenever applicable. This operator can easily be extended to support other search strategies.


  • training set (IOObject)


  • model (Model)

  • example set (Data Table)

    This is an example set output port


  • max depthAn upper bound for the number of literals.
  • utility functionThe function to be optimized by the rule.
  • max cacheBounds the number of rules considered per depth to avoid high memory consumption, but leads to incomplete search.
  • relative to predictionsSearches for rules with a maximum difference to the predited label.