Send Mail (AI Studio Core)


This operator sends a mail.


This operator sends a mail with a given subject and body to a receiver.


  • connection (Connection)

    This port can take a connection of type Mail (send) to use as the mail sender. See also the parameter mail sender.

  • attachment (File)

    Files that should be attached to the Mail, the filename can be defined with the filenames parameter.


  • connection (Connection)

    If the input port connection has data, it will be put through to this output port.


  • mail sender The mail connection to use to send the email.
  • toReceiver of the email. Separate multiple receivers by comma.
  • subjectSubject for the email.
  • use html Whether or not the body of the email should be HTML.
  • body plain The body of the email, as plain text. Only visible and mandatory if use html is set to false.
  • body html The body of the email, as html text. Only visible and mandatory if use html is set to true.
  • filenames A list of filenames, in the form of index/name pairs.
  • headers A list of additional mail headers, in the form of name/value pairs.

Tutorial Processes

Sending a file with attachments.

This Example Process shows how to convert data sets to readable formats like CSV or XSLT and attach these files to an email.