

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 10.1 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.1.2?

Released: 17th March 2023

If you are not on version 10 already, please ensure to read the Upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

Important change in license configuration: From 10.1.0 to 10.1.2, environment variable for license configuration has changed. If you already have a 10.1.0 deployment, please ensure to change LICENSE_ENABLE_ALTAIR=false (RapidMiner licensing) to LICENSE_MODE=RAPIDMINER or LICENSE_ENABLE_ALTAIR=true (Altair licensing) to LICENSE_MODE=ALTAIR_UNIT.

More information can be found in the AI Hub Server licensing section.

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.1.2:


  • Enhanced OAuth2 integration of Scoring Agent
    • Removed for AUD audience claim validation
    • Added for AUD audience claim validation
      • Accepts a list of accepted audiences, e.g. myapp1,myapp2
      • Validation always passes when no audiences are provided (default)
  • Added support for Altair Node Lock / standalone license files in Scoring Agents
    • Removed license.enable-altair property, ensure to use the license.mode property (for all applications)
    • Added license.mode which can be ALTAIR_UNIT (default), RAPIDMINER or ALTAIR_STANDALONE (just for Scoring Agents)
  • Reduced docker image sizes
  • Bumped Spring Boot to 2.7.9
  • Bumped Studio Core to 10.1.2
  • Bumped License Agent to 1.0.1
  • Added warning for deployment creation regarding connection vault entries


  • Allow project contents upload for users with write permission
  • Queues creation and edit will correctly set EXECUTE and READ privilege instead of WRITE and READ
  • Excluded dev and test profiles from production build
  • Snapshot history now displaying right commits
  • RTS response will now correctly keep order of data
  • RTS will now write its pid file to its home directory