

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 10.1 - Check here for latest version

What's new in RapidMiner Studio 10.1

Released: January 31, 2023

RapidMiner Studio 10.1 stores models in a different, more future-proof format than before. This means that models created in RapidMiner Studio 10.1 would not be supported and cannot be opened or used on RapidMiner AI Hub 10.0 and RapidMiner Studio 10.0. Users are advised to upgrade RapidMiner AI Hub to 10.1 simultaneously with Studio for compatibility.Possible error messages like “Repository entry not found” would suggest that the models are not compatible.

Please be aware that RapidMiner Studio 10.1 is the last release to offer a Win32 (x86) build. Due to its severe memory constraints and Win64 (x64) being the standard for many years now, we have decided to discontinue Win32 support.

RapidMiner Studio + Altair Units

RapidMiner Studio now supports Altair Units license. Altair Units is a unified licensing system that provides access to the entire suite of Altair Products and Altair Partner Products. Learn more about Altair units here – Altair Units

Note: RapidMiner Studio 10.1 supports both the RapidMiner license and Altair unit’s license.

Learn how to configure the new Altair Units license in RapidMiner Studio – Altair Units License

Model Storage and Operators

RapidMiner now stores the model in a different, more future-proof format (JSON) than before.

Three new operators - Generate Attributes, Select Attributes, Set Role that use the powerful Belt data core are also introduced in this version.

Generate Attributes - The new version of the expression parser allows for more complex calculations by using information from other rows. Additionally, new functions have been added for lead/lag calculations, retrieving specific cell values, and determining the row number. Time-related calculations have also been improved and made more consistent across different time zones and locales.

Select Attributes - The new version has added new types of columns in the data core. It also improved the user interface for selecting data, making it more user-friendly.

Set Role - The latest update allows for the assigning of roles more than once, such as selecting multiple label columns. The 'metadata' role can be used to mark special columns that should be ignored during operator calculations.

The latest update also allows for the use of new advanced column types, such as text, text-list, text-set, and real-array, in Belt Data Tables between operators. For now, this feature will not be visible to you unless you install upcoming extensions that will make use of these new column types. This update just provides the foundation in the background, so that extensions can start making use of these new capabilities.

Enhancements and bug fixes

The following pages describe the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 10.1 releases:

Note: Version 10.1.0 has not been officially released and was skipped in favor of the 10.1.1 version.