

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 10.3 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.1.3?

Released: 22nd May 2023

If you are not on version 10 already, please ensure to read the Upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

Important change in license configuration: From 10.1.0 to 10.1.2/10.1.3, environment variable for license configuration has changed. If you already have a 10.1.0 deployment, please ensure to change LICENSE_ENABLE_ALTAIR=false (RapidMiner licensing) to LICENSE_MODE=RAPIDMINER or LICENSE_ENABLE_ALTAIR=true (Altair licensing) to LICENSE_MODE=ALTAIR_UNIT.

More information can be found in the AI Hub Server licensing section.

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.1.3:


  • Bumped Keycloak to 20.0.5
  • Bumped Spring Boot to 2.7.11
  • Upgraded Grafana to 9.5.2
  • Add REST endpoint for log retrieving for RTSA
  • Liquibase is now using session based changelog locking
  • Allow user certificates to be loaded from RapidMiner's home directory .RapidMiner/cacerts for all applications utilizing Studio Core, all default to false
    • AI Hub Server: rapidminer.load-user-certificates
    • Scoring Agent: scoring-agent.rapidminer.load-user-certificates
    • Job Agent: jobagent.container.load-user-certificates
  • Allow pre v10 migration if already on AI Hub >= 10.x
  • Added Custom CA support to Helm deployments


  • Properly place Scoring Agent log files into Scoring Agent's home/log folder
  • GIT LFS now returns correct date format for expiresAt
  • Add missing TZ env var to license-proxy to fix the timezone issues