

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 10.3 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.2.0?

Released: 16th August 2023

This is a major version upgrade. Please ensure to read the Upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.2.0:


  • Added Endpoints and Web API Agents
    • AI Hub Server offers a registry where all Web API Agents are managed and registered
    • Introduced a Web API Gateway which handles load balancing and routing of connected Web API Agents derived from the registry
    • A Web API Agent is a different flavor of the Scoring Agent utilizing the registry and can be enabled with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=webapi
    • A Web API Agent service can be secured with basic, AI Hub or API token authentication
      • The new security can be configured on a deployment level
        • Endpoints can include multiple authentication types
        • Basic security configuration in deployments uses hashed passwords
      • Unsecured (anonymous) authentication is also possible
      • The endpoint authentication types can be selectively executed on a test page
    • With AI Hub, by default licenses and extensions are synchronized
    • The endpoints of deployments can be tested
  • Added Project clean-up
    • Added ability to remove all old Snapshot versions of a Project
      • Per user request
      • Or on a schedule (time and size based)
      • Time based cleanup is based on cron expression. The user can directly specify the cron in the advanced mode, or using a cron expression generator in simple mode
    • When the Project is cleaned, added functionality to add archives to the Project
      • Archives can be checked out in Studio
      • Added automatic deletion of archives
        • Based on max time or count
        • Added consistency measures for the clean-up
  • Added templates for Radoop logging in
  • Bundled jxbrowser in Job Containers and Scoring Agents to easily use RapidMiner extensions like Animated Plots
  • Added queued extension management to provide new extensions during runtime
  • Improved git handling of uninitialized projects
  • Added advanced cron editor into schedules page
  • Changed data size properties to Spring properties
  • Added REST endpoint for log retrieving for RTSA
  • Added session based changelog locking for Liquibase database migrator
  • Allowed for profile based migration of RTSA to Web Api Agent
  • Added local timezone to instance information endpoint and parsed timezone in UI accordingly
  • Increased default REST template timeouts to 15s
  • Enabled "Auto Refresh" in the Project list and Project single page view
  • Bumped Spring Boot version to 2.7.14
  • Bumped Keycloak to 20.0.5
  • Bumped License Agent version to 1.0.4
  • Bumped License Core version to 4.5.2
  • Bumped JX Browser version to 7.30.3
  • Bumped bundled Python extension version to 10.0.1
  • Bumped Studio Core version to 10.2.0


  • Fixed missing explicit JSON content types in internal REST clients
  • Fixed including dev and test profiles in production builds
  • Fixed queues page to keep expanded queues open after receiving new data upon auto-refresh
  • Fixed error message when displaying descriptive error message in case of uploading non ZIP files to a project, indicating that only ZIP files are accepted
  • Added causing exception for delete operation inside Job Container's repository cache
  • Fixed Job Logs not updating on reload
  • Fixed platform python execution missing conda initialisation
  • Fixed showing duplicate licenses in License UI
  • Fixed showing deleted content in newly created Project
  • Fixed some property names for native RTS distribution