

You are viewing the RapidMiner Applications documentation for version 2024.0 - Check here for latest version

ECP and Kubernetes (k3s) on Altair® AI Edge™ Devices

Altair® AI Edge™ tools and execution engines are all managed by IoT Studio's Edge Compute Platform (ECP) running Kubernetes. Altair® AI Edge™ devices run a lightweight version of Kubernetes known as k3s.

ECP pushes down a number of pod images down to your device.You can examine these pods at any time by either using the Get Edge Device Health (IoT) operator in AI Studio, or by tunneling into the device via k9s. Either way you are likely to see many if not most of these pods which are needed to use Altair® AI Edge™ devices. Each pod will be listed with its pod name and a unique id. They are all in a namespace called ecp:

  • ase-core-api
  • ase-core-cache
  • ase-core-cloud
  • ase-core-export-mqtt
  • ase-core-health
  • ase-core-management
  • ase-core-message
  • ase-core-meta
  • ase-core-updater
  • ase-support-cloud-storage
  • ase-support-iot-studio
  • ase-support-rapidminer
  • ase-support-rules
  • rapidminer-ai-edge-\<scoring-agent-id>

Edge Apps and Docker Images

There are three pre-configured Edge Apps on the IoT Studio Marketplace designed to be used with Altair® AI Edge™ devices:

App - RapidMiner AI Edge

This app is the primary one to be used with all official Altair® AI Edge™ devices and comes pre-installed with the device. Once the app establishes connectivity with IoT Studio, it verifies that it is a valid Altair® AI Edge™ device, and once it does, it synchronizes a valid RapidMiner Scoring Agent license key to allow it to run all Altair® AI Edge™ software.

Most recent docker image:

Note: in the configuration you need to set "privileged access" to "true"

App - RapidMiner Agent OpenCV

This all is a Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) app where you must insert a valid RapidMiner Scoring Agent license key in the configuration prior to deployment. It comes with the OpenCV library pre-installed on the image.

App - RapidMiner Agent Base

This all is a Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) app where you must insert a valid RapidMiner Scoring Agent license key in the configuration prior to deployment. It only comes with the base RapidMiner Scoring Agent app.