You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

What's new in RapidMiner Server 8.2

Real-Time Scoring

RapidMiner has developed a new back-end capability designed for instantaneous decision making. With Real-Time Scoring, you now have a way to predict at large scale, and with very low latency, how your customers behave, when your industrial parts will break, or what kind of risk a decision entails, and you can make that information actionable immediately. The RapidMiner platform already provides two ways to automate predictions:

  • Batch use cases: Job scheduling in RapidMiner Server
  • Online use (embedding in another application): RapidMiner Server Web Services

Now we add a third and very powerful way: low latency (<25ms), high throughput web services provided by Real-Time Scoring. If there's a need for a fast and accurate answer, this is the right component to use.


Better process monitoring

During the execution of jobs, the Execution Details view displays the status of the process, operator by operator, allowing users to follow the executions and monitor their progress.


Easier process list management

We have added several filters to the process list to make it more practical to use. No matter how long your process list is you can filter based on timeline, queue and duration.


The following pages describe the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 8.2 releases: