You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Server 8.1.0?

Released: February 06th, 2018

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 8.1.0:

Important Notes

  • The new administrator role allows multiple admin users. Please note that any existing users or groups called administrator are removed during migration. The default admin user will then become deletable if so desired.

New Features

  • Administrator is now a role and can be given to any user. You are no longer stuck with the default admin user.
  • Added to enable administrators to prevent files with certain extensions to be uploaded through the webUI. See documentation for more details about the new property.
  • LDAP connection properties can now be stored encrypted. See documentation for more details.


  • Execution details now displays an approximate progress while it runs
  • Execution details page will automatically update the job details in background. The job log won't be updated automatically though.
  • Executions page will automatically updates itself in the background. The auto-refresh can be turn on and off.
  • Execution list now displays exact times for duration instead of the humanized format it had
  • During process execution the user ID and the job ID will be available to the process as macros %{_userId} and %{_jobId}
  • Enhanced protection against XXE attacks
  • Upgraded MSSQL JDBC driver to version 4.2
  • Upgraded PostGreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.2.1


  • License expired message switched for administrators and regular users.