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Read Mozenda (Mozenda)


This operator loads the specified view from the Mozenda cloud storage and returns it's data as an example set.


After you have created a Mozenda account, you can get a Mozenda view as an example set, using this operator.


  • output (Data Table)

    The example set created from fetching the specified Mozenda view.


  • connection The connection details for the Mozenda connection have to be specified. If you have already configured a Mozenda connection, you can select it from the drop-down list. If you have not configured a Mozenda connection yet, select the cloud icon to the right of the drop-down list. Create a new Mozenda connection in the Manage connections box. An API key is required, which is available in your Mozenda web interface. Test the connection and click the Save all changes button. Range: configurable
  • collection Select the Mozenda collection from the drop-down list. All available collections are displayed in the drop-down list. To update the list of collections you need to update the cache of the specified Mozenda connection. Click on the cloud icon to the right of your selected connection. Select your Mozenda connection in the Manage connections box and click on the menu next to the Test button to update the cache. Range: selection
  • view Select the Mozenda view from the drop-down list. All available views associated with the selected Mozenda collection are displayed in the drop-down list. To update the list of views you need to update the cache of the specified Mozenda connection. Click on the cloud icon to the right of your selected connection. Select your Mozenda connection in the Manage connections box and click on the menu next to the Test button to update the cache. Range: selection
  • page number This parameter defines the page number of the page that is returned from the selected Mozenda view. Range: integer
  • page item count This parameter defines the number of items that are requested to be on one page of the Mozenda view. Range: integer