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You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

Search Splunk (Splunk)


Reads search results from a Splunk® server.


This operator can be used to query a Splunk® server based on a query term and returns the results as an example set. Search results can be restricted by specifying a time frame.


  • result (Data Table)

    The example set consisting of the search results.


  • connection The Splunk® connection to use. Select a connection from the dropdown or click the button to create a new one. Range: Configurable
  • query The Splunk® query in Splunk Process Language (SPL). Range: String
  • pagination If set, only a limited number of results will be returned, starting from a given offset. Range: Boolean
  • offset Offset from which the result set should start. Range: Integer
  • limit Maximum number of results to return. Range: Integer
  • earliest_time If this parameter is set, it specifies the earliest time in the time range to search. Range: Time
  • latest_time If this parameter is set, it specifies the latest time in the time range to search. Range: Time