

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

Search Twitter (Social Media)


This operator searches for Twitter statuses.


With the Search Twitter operator, you can specify a query and get Twitter statuses containing this query. The list of statuses contains additional data with context of the statuses. In the expert mode, you can specify additional search restrictions.

Select a Twitter connection to specify the Twitter account for the Twitter API access. Specify at least a query to search Twitter for it. There are advanced parameters you can use to specify additional search restrictions. For example, you can limit the search results to a language.



    • output (Data Table)

      An example set consisting of data from the Twitter API. This comprises the tweet text, the tweet ID, the number of retweets, the date of creation, the language, the geo-location, the used source of the tweet, and user information.


    • connection The connection details for the Twitter connection have to be specified. If you have already configured a Twitter connection, you can select it from the drop-down list. If you have not configured a Twitter connection yet, select the icon to the right of the drop-down list. Create a new Twitter connection in the Manage Connections box. Range: configurable
    • query The term that should be searched. Range: string
    • result_type Specifies the preferred search result type. Range: selection
    • limit The limit on the number of tweets to return. Range: integer
    • since_id Returns results with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID. Range: long
    • max_id Returns results with an ID less than (that is, older than) or equal to the specified ID. Range: long
    • language Restricts tweets to the given language, specified by an ISO 639-1 code. Range: string
    • locale Specifies the language of the query you are sending. (The official Twitter API mentions, that only 'ja' is currently effective.) Range: string
    • until Returns tweets generated before the given date. The values year, month, and day are used as search parameters. Range: string
    • filter_by_geo_location Indicates if the results should be filtered by a geo location. Range: boolean
    • latitude The latitude of the geo location. Range: double
    • longitude The longitude of the geo location. Range: double
    • radius The radius of the geo location. Range: double
    • radius_unit The unit of the geo location radius. Range: selection