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Read MongoDB (NoSQL)


Reads documents from a MongoDB collection.


This operator retrieves a collection of documents from the specified MongoDB collection. The query criteria, the query projection and sorting criteria can be specified via JSON/BSON documents.


  • criteria

    The query criteria which can be used to select only specific documents (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the criteria parameter. Note that the parameter is only visible if no document is connected to this input port.

  • projection

    The query projection which can be used to include/exclude specific fields from the results (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the projection parameter. Note that the parameter is only visible if no document is connected to this input port.

  • sorting criteria

    The sorting criteria which can be used to sort the returned documents in a specific order (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the sort document and sorting criteria parameters. Note that the parameter is only visible if no document is connected to this input port.


  • collection (Collection)

    The documents retrieved from the MongoDB collection.


  • mongodb_instance The MongoDB instance to be used for storing the documents. Range: configurable
  • collection The MongoDB collection in which the documents are stored. Range: string
  • criteria The query criteria which can be used to select only specific documents (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the criteria input port. Range: String
  • projection The query projection which can be used to include/exclude specific fields from the results (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the projection input port. Range: String
  • sort_documents If checked, a sorting criteria document can be specified to sort the query results. Alternatively, you can enable this behavior by connection a sorting criteria document to the sorting input port. Range: boolean
  • sorting_criteria The sorting criteria which can be used to sort the returned documents in a specific order (a JSON/BSON document). Alternatively, you can specify this document via the sorting input port. Range: String
  • limit_results Whether the number of results should be limited. Range: boolean
  • limit The number of documents to be queried. Range: integer
  • skip The number of documents to be skipped. Range: integer