You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.3 - Check here for latest version

Why RapidMiner Server?

Lightning fast data science for teams

If you're familiar with RapidMiner Studio, the argument for using RapidMiner Server boils down to three points: collaboration, deployment, and computational power. For examples, see the enterprise use cases.


RapidMiner Server makes it easy to share libraries of processes and models throughout your organization. Users and groups help you to fine-tune access control.


Once you have built a model or a repeatable process, it's time to deploy it! RapidMiner Server helps you by:

Docker images are available. You can run RapidMiner Server on-site or as a cloud image.

Computational power

To run large jobs, you need a machine that is more powerful than your laptop. The architecture of RapidMiner Server scales to your needs.