

You are viewing the RapidMiner Deployment documentation for version 9.6 - Check here for latest version

Install Docker on Linux

Before you begin

If you are unfamiliar with Docker, you may believe that Docker will make your life more complicated. Not only do you have to install a server; now you also have to learn how to use Docker! The object of this deployment documentation is to convince you that it's worth the effort, because Docker can make it that much easier to deploy the RapidMiner platform.

The emphasis here is on installing Docker and deploying RapidMiner as quickly as possible, using:

  1. the Docker quick & easy install script

  2. a variety of docker-compose templates.

We start with the following assumptions:

  • You have installed or have access to a Linux host, and

    • you can connect to the Linux host via ssh, or
    • you have local access (so that ssh is unnecessary)
  • The hostname (or IP address) of the Linux host is <>
  • You have root (system administrator) access to the Linux host

All the commands will be issued from the command line, so a GUI is unnecessary. For security reasons you may prefer to run docker as an ordinary user, and assuming there is such a user, we'll call him <rapidminer>.

The brackets here indicate that you must replace <rapidminer> by the actual username and <> by the actual hostname or IP address of the host where RapidMiner Server will be installed.

Download the Docker quick & easy install script

The quick & easy install script is also available on github.

The Docker installation script assumes there is no previous installation of Docker. If Docker is already installed, you can jump ahead to docker-compose templates. If an older version of Docker is installed, you should first uninstall it.

The script installs Docker CE (Community Edition), assuming you are using one of the following Linux distributions, or a derivative:

  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Oracle Linux
  • Red Hat
  • SUSE
  • Ubuntu

The simplest way to get started is to use curl or wget, assuming one of these commands is pre-installed. If they are not pre-installed, you can first install them, before proceeding as follows:

  1. Connect to the Linux host:

     ssh <rapidminer>@<>
  2. Download the Docker quick & easy install script

    using curl:

     curl -fsSL -o

    or wget:

     wget -O

You are now ready to install Docker.

Alternative method: use scp to transfer the script

If you do not yet have curl or wget available on the Linux host, and you don't know how to install them, here is an alternative method for downloading and transferring the script to the host. In general, the method described above is preferred.

  1. Download the Docker quick & easy install script to any other computer.

  2. Rename the script to

  3. Copy the script to the Linux host using scp or any analogous tool:

      scp <rapidminer>@<>:

    Note the all-important colon (:) at the end of this command. The file is saved on the Linux host in /home/<rapidminer>.

  4. Connect to the Linux host:

     ssh <rapidminer>@<>

You are now ready to install Docker.

Install Docker

At this point, you are connected to the Linux host, and the quick & easy install script is in the current working directory. If you type ls, it should be listed.

When you run the script, it will take the following actions:

  • It downloads and installs the software prerequisites for running Docker on Linux, using the tools that are native to your Linux host. If that software is already installed, there will be no change.
  • It creates a reference to the Docker Linux repositories in the configuration files, so that you can download (and later update) the Docker software directly.
  • It downloads and installs Docker, using the tools that are native to your Linux host.

To install Docker, you must run as root user. If you did not log in as root, you must first become root. To become root, type one of the following commands:

  • If sudo is installed (<rapidminer> password): sudo su

  • If sudo is not installed or the <rapidminer> user is not in the sudo group (root password): su

As root user, continue as follows:

  1. Start the installation process:


    Hint: You can simulate installation with the command sh --dry-run

  2. (optional) When installation is completed, you can test docker:

     docker run hello-world
  3. Install docker-compose, after checking the version number:

     curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
     chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  4. (optional) Incorporate bash completion:

     curl -L -o /etc/bash_completion.d/docker-compose
  5. (optional) Test docker-compose:

     docker-compose --version
  6. (recommended) If you plan to run docker-compose as a non-root user, make that user a member of the docker group:

     usermod -aG docker <rapidminer>

    To register group membership in the docker group, the <rapidminer> user has to log out and log back in.

Docker is now installed.

More detailed installation documentation can be found on the Docker website, for a variety of Linux distributions.

Read more: Deploy RapidMiner