Install the endpoint infrastructure
The endpoint infrastructure can be installed as a standalone Docker image, as part of a docker-compose-based deployment, or using Kubernetes. Alternatively, go to your favorite cloud provider, and start a virtual machine based on our public virtual machine images.
Deployment architecture patterns
We provide the following two different deployment architectures patterns
Single container-based deployment for experts
The single container-based deployment contains only the scoring agent without any operational and management extensions. The Real-Time Scoring Agent Container can be started using a simple docker run command and used similar to the standalone installation.
Multi-container-based deployment
The multi-container-based deployment contains multiple components that solves operations and management tasks and offers a well-integrated solution.
- Reverse proxy container: to improve security and split the webui and scoring traffic
- Web UI container for management and opatations tasks (e.g. security, deployment, license)
- Cron container: for background operations and container management
- Real-Time Scoring container for running the scoring agent application
This multi-container-based deployment is described using the proposed docker-compose deplyoment method, kubernetes deplyoment method and also this architecture is implemented in the cloud images.
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