

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.3.2?

Released: 1st February 2024

Version 10 is a major version upgrade when you are currently on version 9. Please make sure to read the upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.3.2:


  • Improved consistency check handling for freshly created Web API Deployment files
  • Improved compression speed with a low compression level, this can be changed via ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=2, defaults to 0
  • Improved logging for new broker messages
  • Improved checksum calculation for Web API Deployments
  • Enabled Job Agent internal event cleanup by default (JOBAGENT_JOB_STATE_EVENTS_CLEANUP) running every 60s (JOBAGENT_JOB_STATE_EVENTS_INTERVAL)
  • Switched Job Container process management handling to use ProcessHandle

Deployment fixes and enhancements

The random MAC address generation command was improved, now it generates MAC addresses for a non-existing vendor #66.

head -n80 /dev/urandom | tr -d -c '[:digit:]A-F' | fold -w 12 | sed -E -n -e '/^.[26AE]/s/(..)/\1-/gp' |sed -e 's/-$//g' -e 's/-/:/g' -e 's/^\S\S/66/g'| head -n10

Fixed health checks for PostgreSQL containers which were failing with the following message:

FATAL: Role "postgres" does not exist error message in Postgres containers

Changed default values for CPU limits

How to upgrade from the previous docker installation

Please back up all your deployment templates and configuration files before starting the upgrade.

Download the 10.3.2 version of the docker compose template

To download the docker-compose template, please click here.

You can replace the docker-compose.yml file if you haven't customized it before.

Modify the .env file

Your custom settings are kept in the .env file. For 10.3.2, the following changes should be made.

  • All 10.3.1 versions should be replaced by 10.3.2 in the .env file.

  • The values of the variables connected to the CPUSET configuration have been modified in AI Hub 10.3.2. By default, these variables are commented out, but if you are using them, you may want to change the values -- it's not required.

# Example: Constrain CPU usage to the first 8 logical cores (0-7):

Modify the docker-compose.yml file

In the docker-compose.yml file, please extend the following health checks:

      test: pg_isready -d ${KEYCLOAK_DBSCHEMA} -U ${KEYCLOAK_DBUSER}
      test: pg_isready -d ${AIHUB_DBSCHEMA} -U ${AIHUB_DBUSER}
      test: pg_isready -d ${JUPYTERHUB_DBSCHEMA} -U ${JUPYTERHUB_DBUSER}