

What's New in Altair AI Hub 2024.0.3?

Released: 25th July 2024

Version 2024.0 is compatible with version 10.

If you’re still on version 9, then upgrading to 2024.0 is a major version upgrade. Please make sure to read the upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 2024.0.3:

AI Hub Server


  • Improve table readability for Executions, Endpoints, Operators, Extensions, Schedules, and Licenses pages when on lower resolutions
  • Allow to set error reporter for Schedules inside the webinterface during creation or updates
  • Allow to search available log files of AI Hub and Web API Agents
  • Updates frontend dependencies
  • Improve logging for Web API Endpoint errors
  • Exclude Web API deployments from any further processing when creating their deployment file failed
  • Exclude Web API deployments from any further processing when an Web API Agent has missing extensions
  • Add /api/v1/users endpoint for plain user selection inside Project owner and Schedules
  • Add ability for admin to set and edit a schedule's owner via API and webinterface
  • Bumped Studio Core engine version from 10.4.1 to 10.4.3


  • User able to select incorrect state in executions page filter
  • Custom properties tile visible in Dashboard for non-admin users
  • Display proper WebApi Token expiration date validation error if the date is invalid
  • Studio Core init considers StartupHooks mechanism
  • Zip endpoint of repositories can handle root and absolute paths
  • reportError attribute is now properly returned by the API for the GET /schedules endpoint
  • Zipping uses file buffer correctly
  • A Web API deployment which has been deleted before synchronisation to Web API Agents is handled won't set the Web API group to error
  • Tooltips in Endpoints list properly show state messages
  • Show all allowed users in owner drop down for repositories

License Proxy

  • Improve transposing ALM related environment variables
  • Update dependencies