

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 7.6 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Server 7.3?

This page describes the new features of RapidMiner Server 7.3 as well as its enhancements.

Introducing Radoop Proxy

RapidMiner Server can now act as a communication proxy for RapidMiner Radoop, considerably simplifying the way to connect Radoop to Hadoop clusters in secure networks. With RapidMiner Server being installed on an edge node of the Hadoop cluster, it can forward all traffic between RapidMiner Radoop and the Hadoop cluster components. Therewith, Radoop Proxy reduces the number of open ports required for Radoop from over ten to only two.

Radoop Proxy can be enabled during the installation of RapidMiner Server or manually later on.

Radoop Proxy also requires the next port

Please note that Radoop Proxy requires two ports: the selected port and the following port (1081 and 1082 in the example shown below).


The following pages describe the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 7.3 releases: