You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 7.6 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Server 2.2?

This page describes enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 2.2.


  • The Reporting part of RapidMiner Server has been reworked and is now called App Designer to highlight the much more dynamic interaction possibilities
  • Reworked much of the former report UI
  • Added new app component 'Button' which can be used to trigger specified effects, e.g. run a process
  • Added new output format 'Tree' for visualization components. This can be used to display an example set in a tree structure
  • Visualization components can now display ExampleSets which are stored in the current app state. See "Publish to App" operator in Studio
  • Added option to specify an initialization process which is executed each time an app is opened
  • It is now possible to run a process via report 'Actions' and 'App interaction' of visualization components, e.g. when the user clicks on a chart. The process can declare macros in its context which are filled with matching app variable values. For example, having an app variable with the name 'my_var' and declaring a macro in the RapidMiner Studio process context with the name 'my_var' will cause the macro to be filled with the app variable value during process execution
  • App control components can now also trigger specified effects when used, e.g. run a process
  • Added a display name to variables which is shown when the app is viewed. The value of a variable can be accessed in app components and in Studio processes with its name via '%{name}'
  • Added new RapidMiner Server JavaScript command to execute a process. Example command: 'RA.createEvent().runProcess("/home/user/MyProcess", "{\"macros\":{\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}}").submit();'
  • Improved usability of app visualization components by highlighting required format settings and adding tooltips for them
  • Disabled caching of process results to make app visualization component editing quicker. Changes to the process are now visible after the next refresh
  • Improved security by checking permitted groups for all connection types when executing a process
  • Improved default naming scheme of new app components to reduce confusion when adding new components
  • Navigation targets of app visualization components are now always an independent effect
  • Opening apps now displays an indicator while working
  • Open footer links in new window and show Git revision in page footer
  • BUGFIX: Creating a new app while editing an existing one will no longer offer the opportunity to save over the old one
  • BUGFIX: Fixed opening apps with Internet Explorer if they contained an empty 'External Resource' component
  • BUGFIX: Fixed app image component not working with app variables
  • BUGFIX: Fixed some missing tooltips
  • BUGFIX: Fixed wrong language for some messages and tooltips
  • BUGFIX: Fixed broken bar flash charts when providing very small numbers
  • BUGFIX: Fixed error 500 when switching between data sources multiple times while editing a visualization component in an app
  • BUGFIX: Fixed error 500 in case the target variable was not set for a constant effect in an app visualization component
  • BUGFIX: Fixed error display of visualization components in an app which were set to JSON as output format
  • BUGFIX: Fixed app size problem which could occur when browser scaling was enabled
  • BUGFIX: Improved error message in case a connection is not found on the server and the user does not have admin privileges
  • BUGFIX: Login pages should now automatically focus the username field on Internet Explorer
  • BUGFIX: Removed unnecessary log entries when browsing and editing apps