You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 7.6 - Check here for latest version
What’s New in RapidMiner Server 2.3?
This page describes enhancements delivered by RapidMiner Server 2.3.
HTML5 Charts and Maps
Previously, charts in RapidMiner Server Apps and web services were based on Adobe Flash. Because Adobe Flash is being replaced by HTML5 as the de facto standard for interactive web visualizations, in RapidMiner Server 2.3 charts can now be displayed using HTML5. Note that due to diminishing browser support, in particular for mobile devices, Adobe Flash chart support may be discontinued at a later date.
In addition to HTML5 charts, RapidMiner Server also adds support for HTML5 maps. Thus, RapidMiner Server Apps and web services can directly display geographic distributions (categorical and gradient numbers). RapidMiner Server ships with various maps of countries and continents.

Version Control
RapidMiner Server 2.3, running with RapidMiner Studio 6.3, provides version management for processes stored in the server repository. Now you can start new revisions of a process while keeping it in parallel with older versions and can roll back and forth between old and new revisions.
Enhancements and bug fixes
This following enhancements and bug fixes are part of RapidMiner Server 2.3.
- The selection for app object subscriptions in visualization components is now alphabetically sorted
- UserErrors in processes executed by apps are now displayed in a more informative way
Bug fixes
- BUGFIX: Fixed error 500 when using exported services in an IFrame
- BUGFIX: Deleting users no longer fails for users whose group has active database connection access rights
- BUGFIX: Fixed an error 500 which could occur during app usage
- BUGFIX: Fixed some Internet Explorer 11 problems in the App designer
- BUGFIX: Fixed broken layout of some repository location choosers