You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

Configuring RapidMiner Server without a Display

You can configure a machine that does not have an attached display monitor or does not support a graphical user interface (a "headless installation") by using the XML file you created in step 4 of the full server package installation. (In that step, you should have selected Install RapidMiner Server on a headless machine as the installation type to create the file.) The XML installer file contains all the information you entered in the installer. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<entry key="db_url">localhost</entry>
<entry key="db_port">3306</entry>
<entry key="server_service_id_overwrite">null</entry>
<entry key="eula_accepted">true</entry>
<entry key="server_port">8080</entry>
<entry key="db_password">MyDBpassword</entry>
<entry key="mail_password">MyMailPassword</entry>
<entry key="installation_directory">C:\RMServer</entry>
<entry key="license_key">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
<entry key="server_host">HOSTNAME</entry>
<entry key="job_container_max_memory">8192</entry>
<entry key="db_driverclass">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</entry>
<entry key="server_register_as_service">true</entry>
<entry key="queue_port">5672</entry>
<entry key="mail_port">25</entry>
<entry key="server_service_linux_variant">SUSE</entry>
<entry key="mail_properties"/>
<entry key="mail_sender"></entry>
<entry key="db_system">MySQL</entry>
<entry key="memory_max">4096</entry>
<entry key="radoop_proxy_port">1081</entry>
<entry key="mail_url"></entry>
<entry key="server_service_name">RapidMiner_Server</entry>
<entry key="java_home">C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144</entry>
<entry key="db_user">db_user</entry>
<entry key="server_service_id">RMS800-SVC</entry>
<entry key="db_driver_path_is_relative">true</entry>
<entry key="job_container_count">1</entry>
<entry key="job_agent_bundled">true</entry>
<entry key="server_host_bind_only">false</entry>
<entry key="radoop_proxy_enable">false</entry>
<entry key="mail_user">admin</entry>
<entry key="db_schema">rapidminer_server</entry>
<entry key="db_driver_path">mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar</entry>

Note that if you created the file on Windows and are installing it on Linux (or vice versa), you will need to edit the file to make operating system-specific changes.

Prerequisites for running a headless install

In addition to the prerequisites noted for the standard installation, the following are required to successfully complete an installation from the RapidMiner Server installation script:

  • Java 8 (either JDK or JRE) on the server you are installing on.
  • Access from the current server to the RapidMiner service database.
  • Write access to all required directories.

Running the installation

To use the captured installation script:

  1. Copy the installation script and the file to the headless machine on which RapidMiner Server will be installed.

  2. Log in to the headless machine using a remote shell (for example, SSH for Linux or PuTTY for Windows).

  3. Extract the contents of the .zip file to an installation directory.

  4. From the bin directory (inside the RapidMiner Server installation directory), run either:


./rapidminer-server-installer <file_name>.xml

or Windows:

rapidminer-server-installer.bat <file_name>.xml

When the command completes, return to the standard installation instructions to start RapidMiner Server.