Altair AI Hub on Microsoft Azure
From the link below, you can start an Altair AI Hub Virtual Machine, either via a pay-as-you-go plan or via a bring-your-own-license (BYOL) plan.
For details of the installation, continue reading.
The Altair AI Hub Virtual Machine
Altair AI Hub on Microsoft Azure - Altair RapidMiner Documentation
Please follow these steps to start an Altair AI Hub Azure Virtual Machine:
- Log in to your Azure account and go to your Azure Portal Dashboard.
- Click on the Virtual Machines in the left menu and select the Add button.
- Search for "Altair RapidMiner" in the Images
- Select the required version of the Image
- Continue with the Create Virtual Machine Wizard by adding the name of the Virtual Machine. Enter your user name and SSH credentials and select (or create a new) Resource Group, where your Virtual Machine will be created.
- Choose an instance size. We recommend using at least 32 Gb of RAM for Altair AI Hub.
- Configure the Instance Details by selecting the networking parameters. Make sure you enable public IP or consult your network administrator about your networking configuration. Check the Security group settings and ensure that ports
are open for Altair AI Hub and22
for SSH. - Finally review and purchase your virtual machine.
Log in to Altair AI Hub
After the virtual machine is ready, continue with the following steps:
- Using a browser connect to the virtual machine's port
. (e.g.http://public.ip:8080
) or consult your network administrator about how to access your instance. - Check your virtual machine's name on the Azure Portal.
- On the login screen please use the username admin and use the name of your virtual machine as password.
- If you chose a pay-as-you-go AMI, that’s all you need to do. You can already connect to it from a browser or from your Altair AI Studio. If you chose a bring-your-own-license AMI, then you’ll be presented with a page where you need to paste your license. After that, you’ll need to restart the VM.
Next: the image architecture