AI Edge Toolbox Extension

AI Edge Toolbox is an extension for AI Studio that allows users to communicate with Altair® AI Edge™ devices from their desktop application.

The best way to get started is to follow the 'Hello World' tutorial. Detailed documentation on the extension itself can be found below.

AI Studio Installation

The AI Edge Toolbox is not available on the Marketplace; users must download the extension and install it manually in AI Studio. The most recent version (2.0.0) is only compatible with AI Studio 2024.1.0 and higher.

AI Edge Toolbox 2.0.0 extension jar file

Place the jar file in your .AltairRapidMiner/shared/extensions folder and restart AI Studio.

Note: if AI Studio shows an error message about missing dependencies, hover over the small yellow warning triangle to see which one(s) are missing. Alternatively examine your AI Studio log here: [user]/.AltairRapidMiner/[version]/ai-studio.log.

Altair® AI Edge™ Installation

The AI Edge Toolbox extension and its dependencies are pre-installed on Altair® AI Edge™ devices when they are provisioned by Altair. However it may be necessary to install / update the extension manually. To do so, use the Push Extension (IoT) operator in AI Edge Toolbox and select "AI Edge Toolbox" from the parameters panel.


In order for AI Edge Toolbox to install properly, you must ensure that the following extensions already exist in your AI Studio installation. All of the extensions listed below can be installed via the Marketplace.

Dependencies for AI Edge Toolbox extension 2.0.x :

Extension minimum version required
Admin Tools 3.0.003
Converters 1.2.000
Custom Operators 1.2.003
Image Processing 0.5.000
IoT Connector 1.2.1
Operator Toolbox 2.18.000
Python Scripting 10.1.002
Web Mining 10.0.002

IoT Operators

AI Edge Toolbox extension has 19 'IoT' operators that are used in AI Studio for communicating with Altair® AI Edge™ device via IoT Studio.

Note: it is strongly recommended that you open and view the Log panel in AI Studio when running these operators.

'IoT' operators


IoT Studio's ECP (Edge Compute Platform) is the communication bridge between Altair® AI Edge™ devices and the outside world. All the operators below are implemented with ECP's API endpoints; full documentation can be found on IoT Studio's ECP documentation pages and its corresponding API documentation pages.


  • Get Endpoints (IoT): fetches a list of all live endpoints on an Altair® AI Edge™ device exposed by the scoring agent
  • Push Deployment (IoT): fetches a folder of AI Studio workflows from an AI Hub repository + pushes it down to an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Query Edge Endpoint (IoT): queries a live endpoint on an Altair® AI Edge™ device + returns its response (if any)
  • Delete Deployment (IoT): deletes a deployment and its respective live endpoints from an Altair® AI Edge™ device


  • Get Extensions (IoT): fetches a list of all extensions installed on an Altair® AI Edge™ device, either by user or image, on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Push Extension (IoT): pushes a new/updated extension down to an Altair® AI Edge™ device (reboot required to take effect)
  • Delete Extension (IoT): deletes a user-installed extension from an Altair® AI Edge™ device (reboot required to take effect)


  • Create Schedule (IoT): creates an execution schedule for a live endpoint locally on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Delete Schedule (IoT): deletes a schedule from an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Get Schedules (IoT): fetches a list of all schedules, active or inactive, on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Get Scheduled Job History (IoT): fetches recent job execution history (last 25 only) of a schedule on an Altair® AI Edge™ device

IoT Utilities

  • Get Edge Device Health (IoT): fetches live health / heartbeat information about an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Get Logs (IoT): fetches the contents of a scoring agent log file on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Reboot Pod (IoT): reboots the pod containing the scoring agent container on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Toggle Media Streamer (IoT): turns the media streamer on/off to view live camera feed on an Altair® AI Edge™ device

Object Storage

These operators are used to interact with IoT Studio Object Storage. They are not unique to Altair® AI Edge™ devices. IoT Studio's Object Storage API is the communication bridge between AI Studio and IoT Studio Object Storage.

  • Delete Object (IoT): deletes an object from IoT Studio Object Storage
  • List Objects (IoT): fetches a list of objects in an IoT Studio Object Storage folder
  • Read Object (IoT): fetches an object stored in IoT Studio Object Storage
  • Write Object (IoT): stores an object in IoT Studio Object Storage

Edge Operators

AI Edge Toolbox extension has 4 'Edge' operators that are designed for use in processes / workflows deployed on Altair® AI Edge™ devices.

Note: 'Edge' operators will only run inside an Altair® AI Edge™ device. You build the process / workflow in AI Studio but the only way to test is by deploying the process / workflow and then querying the endpoint.

Edge Utilities

  • Get CPU Temp (Edge): returns the current CPU temperature (°C) on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Store Object (Edge): pushes an object (e.g. an image) to IoT Studio Object Storage


  • Get Image (Edge): captures an image from the camera on an Altair® AI Edge™ device
  • Get Video (Edge): captures video from the camera on an Altair® AI Edge™ device and returns the video as a collection of image frames

Image Tools (BETA)

Note: these operators are released as-is with no guarantees of functionality without bugs or errors. We strongly advise against using these operators in any processes that will be relied upon in production environments. Feedback on these operators should be sent to Altair via the Support portal.

  • Aggregate Pixels (BETA): returns the sum of intensities of all pixels, in all color channels, in an image IOObject
  • Analyze Image with OpenAI (BETA): sends the image and a prompt to OpenAI's API engine (endpoint is and returns its response.

Note: you will need a valid OpenAI API key to use this operator

  • Draw Shape on Image (BETA): draws a geometric shape (circle or rectangle) on an image IOObject using either the or Imgproc.rectangle functions in OpenCV
  • Extract Contour Vertices (BETA): returns the vertices of all contours found in an image IOObject using the Imgproc.findContours function in OpenCV
  • Find Bounding Box (BETA): returns bounding boxes of all contours found in an image IOObject using the Imgproc.boundingRect function in OpenCV
  • Find Contour Area (BETA): returns the area (in pixels) of the largest contour found in an image IOObject using the Imgproc.contourArea function in OpenCV
  • Find Contour Perimeter (BETA): returns the perimeter (in pixels) of the largest contour found in an image IOObject using the Imgproc.arcLength function in OpenCV
  • Find Ellipse in Image (BETA): returns the center and major/minor axes of all ellipses found in an image IOObject using the Imgproc.fitEllipse function in OpenCV