

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 8.2 - Check here for latest version

Upgrading from 7.x to 8.x

Note: RapidMiner Server 8 contains major architecture changes that are explained in more detail in the release notes.

This section describes updating RapidMiner Server from 7.x to 8.x using the full upgrade. It also describes the process for rolling back the upgrade.

Performing a full upgrade

A full upgrade means installing RapidMiner Server into an empty directory while pointing the database to the existing one.

Stop RapidMiner Server 7.x and perform a backup

  1. Stop RapidMiner Server 7.x. If running Windows, verify that all RapidMiner-related services have stopped.

  2. Back up your RapidMiner Server operations database.

  3. Back up your RapidMiner extensions. If you are unsure of the directory location, check the setting on the Administration > System Settings page. The location is the value defined for the property com.rapidanalytics.plugindir.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you back up the RapidMiner Server operations database before making changes to the software version. Especially as version 8 introduces major changes to the database layout.

Install RapidMiner Server 8.x

  1. Download the latest version of the full server package.

  2. Change to the bin/ directory, within the installation directory, to locate (and then run) the start script (or batch file) for installing the new version of RapidMiner Server software.

Note: It is strongly recommended to use a fresh folder for RapidMiner Server 8.x instead of installing it into an existing RapidMiner Server 7.x folder.

Restore previous configuration

  1. Copy the contents of the backed up extension folder into the new RapidMiner Server extensions directory.

    Note: Do not overwrite any extensions that are in the new extension directory as a result of the installation.

    Note: If you are using Radoop, make sure you go through the specific installation steps described in the Radoop documentation, as these steps have changed in Server 8.x.

  2. Do not forget to re-apply the configuration changes you made to the previous version of RapidMiner Server. For example if you modified standalone.xml then manually reapply the pieces you changed to the new version too. Do not copy the whole standalone.xml as it may change from JBoss version to version.

Start RapidMiner Server 8.x and perform migration steps

  1. From the new installation folder, start RapidMiner Server.

  2. Log on to RapidMiner Server as admin and perform necessary update steps (e.g. migrate existing queues).

  3. (Optional) Check queue setup and install further Job Agents.

Rolling back a full upgrade

To roll back an upgrade:

  1. Stop RapidMiner Server. If running Windows, verify that all RapidMiner-related services have stopped.

  2. Restore your RapidMiner Server database from backup. If unsure how to do so, try searching Google for the appropriate commands for your database type.

  3. If you backed up your previous installation directory (because you installed the new version to a directory where an old version existed) then replace the installation directory from backup.

  4. From the previous (old) installation folder, start RapidMiner Server.