Supported formats
Altair AI Studio supports a wide range of file formats, databases, and cloud services, either natively or via extensions.
Supported databases
Via connection objects and the Operators Read Database, Write Database, and Update Database, Altair AI Studio supports all relational database systems offering a fully compliant JDBC driver, including:
- AccessDB
- Microsoft SQL Server (JTDS / Microsoft)
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Sybase
Altair AI Studio can connect to a variety of NoSQL databases via extensions.
Supported cloud services
Altair AI Studio supports the following cloud services:
- Amazon S3
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Data Lake Storage
- Dropbox
- Google Cloud Storage
- Mozenda (read only)
- Salesforce
- Twitter (read only)
- Zapier (write only)
Supported file types
Altair AI Studio reads and / or writes the following file types:
- ACCDB - Microsoft Access database
- ARFF - Weka file format
- CSV - Comma Separated Value
- DBF - dBASE Database file format (read only)
- DTA - Stata file format (read only)
- HYPER - Tableau file format
- MDB - Microsoft Access database
- QVX - QlikView data eXchange (write only)
- SAS - SAS file format up to v9.2 (read only)
- SAV - IBM SPSS file format (read only)
- TDE - Tableau file format
- XLS/XLSX - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
- XML - Extensible Markup Language
- XRFF - Weka file format